Ayman Eltalouny
30+ years of professional experience with diverse capacities in industry, governments and United Nations.
For first ten years, Mr. Eltalouny was part of refrigeration and air-conditioning industry including R&D, quality assurance, and project management experiences. He then served as Advisor for the Ministry of Environment of Egypt in relation to the Montreal Protocol in particular in relation to the same industrial sector.
For the last 20 years, Eltalouny worked within the United Nations Environment Programme in different positions supporting many countries in the region and globally in designing and implementing strategies and projects to eliminate the use of ozone depleting substances and reduce dependency on high-GWP solutions as part of mitigating CO2 emissions and climate change.
He was also responsible for managing the International Partnership portfolio on UNEP OzonAction since 2016 and was UNEP focal point for the collaboration with the League of Arab States (LAS), between 2012-2019, coordinating UNEP engagement with the Arab environmental ministerial council and relevant committees.
He is a member in several international professional associations and served as UNEP representative, for many years, in several international technical committees and working groups, including those connected to the food sector like Global Food Cold Chain Council (GFCCC), ASHRAE, IIR, Cool Coalition, AHRI, ISHRAE, U-3ARC and several similar groups in different continents.
20 years at the United Nations Environment Programme having served in multiple roles in multiple geographies. Member of several international professional associations and working groups including the Global Food Cold Chain Council.
21-Jun-2023AuditoriumMitigating waste and supporting sustainable growth across the broader F&B industry